
Trade Day 2019: How can Maine leverage economic growth from forest and marine resources?

Maine International Trade Center is hosting the 39th annual Trade Day on Friday, an event that will feature talks and presentations by leaders in the rapidly growing global “bioeconomy” that’s tapping renewable biological resources from land and sea to produce energy, food and value-added materials.

The keynote address will be delivered by Jaana Husu-Kallio, permanent secretary of Finland’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Husu-Kallio oversaw the transformation of Finland’s forest industry into a dynamic cluster of more than 50 pulp and paper mills with over 200 other production sites. The country’s bioeconomy sector employs more than 300,000 people and produces advanced biofuels, biodegradable packaging, chemicals, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, along with paper.

One lesson from Finland: Moving from a fossil fuel-based economy to a biobased one can help slow the negative impacts of climate change and create new economic activity.

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