Mastering Export Documentation
November 2 @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Have you had a shipment “stuck” in Customs because a document is missing or not filled out correctly?
Do you copy information from a prior shipping document to complete all required fields when you are uncertain about the meaning?
Has your company been charged “documentation” fees or had a shipment held up because the documents had to be corrected?
Incomplete or inaccurate documentation for international shipments can cost businesses time and money. Join us for this live webinar with Mike Allocca of Allocca Enterprises, Inc. to learn how your company can accurately prepare required documents to ensure customers, distributors, and your company stay ahead of schedule.
What you don’t know can hurt your business. Many companies suffer unnecessary shipment delays, Customs audits, and demurrage charges due to incomplete or inaccurate documentation for shipments.
During this two-hour session, attendees will discuss several forms including: Commercial Invoices, Packing Lists, Shippers Export Declarations (SEDs)/Electronic Export Information (EEI), and Certificates of Origin. Each document will be reviewed step-by-step to understand exactly how these forms should be completed and where attendees can look within company documents to ensure the information being used is accurate.
Who should attend?
Traffic managers, purchasing managers, shipping/receiving personnel, compliance officers, sales managers, customer service managers, and anyone involved or concerned with international shipments.
Featured Presenter
Mike Allocca of Allocca Enterprises, Inc., a full-service export and import compliance training company, is a Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) through NASBITE and winner of the prestigious President’s E Award for excellence in export development training. He founded Allocca Enterprises in 2006 and works with exporters and importers daily all over the United States. Mike served on the District Export Council (DEC) in Columbia, SC for 4 years and he was also elected to the National District Export Council (DEC) for 3 years where he served as Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Outreach and Education committee.
He keeps updated on export/import regulations by regularly attending and/or hosting programs, seminars, and events with the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Customs & Border Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of State, and the TSA.
Advanced registration is required.
Please plan to join us on November 2nd. This training is offered as a live webinar only and will not be recorded.
SBA-Eligible Companies: no cost
Non-SBA-Eligible Companies: $200 per person
Funded in part through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration